Crossing the southern border already was an adventure. The insurance company located a few miles before the border, specialized to insure foreigners in my destination didn’t want to sell me the insurance, telling me it’s too dangerous. I should leave this old car here, buy a ticket to Hawaii, a much nicer destination, they said. Knowing that right at the border I can find another agency I replied that I consider this new idea and might come back. Astonishing point was that the employees at the agency didn’t even speak English, all of them were born Mexicans and lived in a Mexican community in Texas, right off the border. The few images shown here are almost random fragments of various projects, like postcards. The world I was about to enter turned out to be an idea of a world, a very friendly, welcoming and curious planet of endless social injustice, layers and codes. Heroes are born here, the surreal brutality and violence is everywhere and permanent. At some point I found myself in a remote desert area wanting to buy water, stopping at the only kiosk in a deserted village. I waited for the person to take my 5 pesos, after 10 minutes an older man arrived and told me to hide. A war is going on, he said. But since I was the only obvious and very visible foreigner they stopped shooting. I paid and continued. At my destination village, Real de Quatorze, before it became an infamous destination for adventure motorcyclists and four wheelers, an old man jumped in front of my old car to stop me and said, “hola hijo , que haces aqui?”. Turned out he travelled during 50 years as photographer and we engaged in a 3-day conversation. On the other end of such pleasure, I learned that to hire a killer only cost 150 US dollar! Various projects allowed me to meet lots of people, avoiding tourist roads and gated foreign tourist centers. I am proud to say, I made friends with warm hearted, sensible and passionate beautiful people almost all over the country, all projects are hopefully but intended ongoing.