Born in Germany, Bernard Steffin is a Paris based photographer. After l’ecole des Gobelins in the late ‘90s in Paris he started his carrier in the fashion industry as studio and location assistant to various fashion, beauty, art and celebrity photographers. At the same time he worked as freelance photographer for catalogues, trend books, location scouting, castings and as well in photo production.

Following his heart, he quit after a few years to turn towards reportage and documentary photography. In 2008 he left Paris and started an unplanned 10 year journey by working on minorities, such as Uighurs in China, Mennonites in Mexico, migration issues in various locations around borders in North America and Europe, and worked as a corporate photographer for portraits and landscapes in Malaysia, South Korea and Russia.

His street photography is taken in various fields from agriculture, farmers in Greece, café and mescal in Mexico, motorsport and mechanics, craftsmen, artistes, poets, sports such as roller derby, sumo, lucha, rodeo or boxing. Recent projects are images of dancers in and around abandoned spaces, and a portrait series of adult adopted people since 2020 a cooperation with a French action performance artiste. Almost every project is ongoing. Work is done in digital or analogue, color or black and white.

His images were recently shown in exhibitions between Mexico city, Athens and Paris. He has been living in Athens since 2019.